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Hi! My name is Mafer Rico, and this is my student portfolio. It shows by best pieces of work of this year, eighth grade, and a brief description of each. I hope you enjoy watching my job as much as I enjoyed doing it. Thanks for watching and all followers are welcome!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Mafer Rico's Student Portfolio

My 8th grade Student Portfolio

UN (United Nations) Position Paper; Topic A

Topic: Resolving Australia’s accusation that Japan is involved in illegal whaling activities
Country: China
Delegate Name: Maria Fernanda Rico
Committee: International Court of Justice (ICJ)
School: Colegio Ingles

Australia brought a complaint against Japan in the International Court of Justice for its whaling practices in the Antarctic. Australia started with the process in May of 2010, and oral arguments are to begin in May 2012. Australia states that Japan is in violation of the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling by not meeting its obligation to suspend the killing of whales. Japan has defended its position by saying that the whaling is used for scientific methods before selling the meat, but Greenpeace found illegal whale meat for sale in open Japanese markets. In several parts of the world native people are dependent on whale products for survival, that is Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling. It is permitted by the International Whaling Commission only in Denmark, Russia, USA, St. Vincent and the Grenadines but not in Japan.

China made it official that it supports banning whaling. A Chinese environmental official says that he wants to agree to the IWC prohibition on whaling when countries vote on the issue at the 57th Annual Meeting in South Korea. Besides being in favor of banning whaling, China also suggests to increase the protection of whales. China banned commercial whaling in 1986. It is very concerned about the fact that Japan has contributed with killing 9,916 out of the 20,000 killed between Iceland, Norway and itself. This year it is estimated that between these three countries there would be 1,400 more whales killed. Even though China doesn’t hunt whales it didn’t stop it from buying whale meat, now that it has decided to help with the protection of them it has stopped purchasing it since not a very long time ago.

China suggests the following solutions to contribute to the arguments between Australia and Japan. Scientists can estimate how many whales are left on this planet. The solution to whaling is to put a quote. It is already the case, but it is not strict enough, so making nations aware of consequences such as banning products in super markets will make them follow the rules. Making consumers realize using diverse sources of media that we are putting whales in danger of extinction by buying commercial products made from whale body parts is a good way to create awareness. Japan should be added to the list of countries that practice Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling so that it lowers its statistics to what the limit that will be placed. Australia can continue to pass reports to the ICJ for any changes but China does not agree that all countries should rely on it, but instead to speak up. My delegation would be glad to hear more suggestions.

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